woensdag 25 mei 2011

Finally on the road!!!

The title does not mean,  campfire was horrible, it means “The next adventure starts!”. Our  11 day stay @ Campfire Safari’s was very good! We experienced a lot there, met new people, done crazy things and learned so much. The last days we even got to join a communication course for half-a-day and went to Moholoholo @ last minute.

zaterdag 14 mei 2011

Finally another blogg xD

I never thought keeping a blog took so much effort, really the writing is not the problem. The inspirition on this holiday is not the problem.. just the time. I am honestly surprised by how much i don't want to sit behind a computer and sit down and write. We've made friends here.. we eat together talk together and go on excursions together and than go to bed, dead tired. But today is a different day.. this morning we got up around 7.. Went for a shower.. power went down half-way.. and ate some breakfast.. went to see a hippo and now i'm in the sun up in a tower... relaxing on a matras typing this.

zondag 8 mei 2011

First days in Africa

Na 30 uur onderweg te zijn, zijn we dan eindelijk ge-arriveerd op “Campfire Safari’s”. Het is over duidelijk als we hier over de weg rijden dat we in een totaal andere wereld zijn beland. Het besef komt maar langzaam... maar direct gaan we al op pad naar een “tribal village”.